Speech Therapy

Verbal Autism – Stirring A Conversation & Igniting A Response

Non-verbal and verbal autism are two of the most common characteristics of the disorder. Verbal capability is a challenge faced by parents, educators, and therapists. Still, with appropriate approaches, children with autism can gain success in overcoming their verbal flaws.


Individuals with verbal autism are fluent in talking, but not completely free from language and communication challenges. Some of their behaviors include echolalia (echoing words), mimicking movie dialogues or songs and saying idiosyncratic phrases that contain non-meaningful sounds such as squealing, screaming, etc. In short, a person with verbal autism speak in a sin-song voice, imitate and make sounds, with their mouth, without any meaning and purpose.

Narrow Interests And Excellent Abilities

Although some children are able to deliver a speech about a topic based on their interest, they fail to maintain a two-way discussion about the same topic. Some of the children with verbal autism have ‘savant’ skills and abilities in areas such as memorization, maths, and music or calendar calculation.

Uneven Development

Some of the children with autism are able to read words and sentences, but may not understand what they have read. They often do not respond to their own name, and sometimes mistaken to have a hearing problem.

 Treating Verbal Or Speech Issues In Autism

A child having verbal behavior autism needs the services of various specialists, such as a speech-language therapist. Speech therapy is useful in treating individuals with speech, and language disorders.  Improving speech and language skills are the foremost goals of speech therapy. In addition, the therapist also undertakes a few hearing tests to confirm that the child’s hearing is normal.

Establish Functional And Unprompted Communication

The foremost aim of speech therapy is to assure that the child indulges in an unprompted speech and communicate her basic needs and wants. The therapist works hard to confirm that the child speaks when told to, or respond to questions with a sensible reply. He also works on erasing the number of ‘prompts’ (visual cues at times) to help them create sentences in their own words. Later, they use a number of ‘fading prompts’ to help the child speak more independently.

The therapist also teaches the child the golden rules (of ‘please, sorry and thank you’) to motivate him in taking part or stirring up a conversation with proper greeting words.

Once the child with verbal behavior autism begins to make progress, the plans are further strategized to address some minor issues that may impact the child’s communication.   The few areas that need to be addressed:

  • Speech and sound faults
  • Problem related to asking or answering questions
  • Difficulty in deciphering the figurative language

Parents and caretakers must make it a point to talk to the kids, inquire about what they want, keep the conversation to the point, and talk to them when they feel comfortable. Constant boosting can gradually help the child to give a proper response and also initiate a two-way conversation.


  1. Thanks to everyone who is taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was cured from Autism, he was diagnosed four years ago, and he is now 6, I have tried several treatments and medications on him, nothing is
    working out and I am so frustrated. I keep praying to God and finally God answered my prayers, someone from no where walk to me and told me he want to tell me about this doctor he has knew for years now from his own
    country, after everything I took the contact of the doctor and called and I was so surprised it was a female and I explained my son condition to her, she asked for my home address and the next day I got a tracking number or a
    parcel sent to me through dhl from Doctor Stella, after four days I received the parcel, I opened and found a liquid herbal medicine and some herbal medicine grinded and I found a letter containing the instructions on how to use this medicine, I called her and thank her so much and she told me we should thank God for everything, the next morning I started giving my son the medicines and after one week I was seeing a great changes in him and I continue until the medicine finish and everything last for just one month and a week, now my son is free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normal and no seizures anymore. Help me thank Doc Stella for this and you can also connect with her on doctorstellaidemudia@gmail.com and
    doctorstellaidemudia@yahoo.com WhatsApp number is +2348157471852 website is

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