Category: Behavioural

aquatic therapy Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Support autistic children Behavior Behavioural Emotional intelligence Individuals on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Neurodiversity parenting a child with autism Sensory Integration Therapy

Aquatic Therapy Benefits for Children Diagnosed with Autism

Aquatic therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, is an evidence-based intervention that utilizes water’s unique properties to support physical, cognitive, and emotional development. For children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), […]

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Autism signs Autism Support Behavioural Emotional intelligence Health Care Learning Learning Skills Psychological Self Care Sensory Integration Therapy Signs And Symptoms Social Skills

The Importance of Eye Contact in Autism

Eye Contact in Autism is a fundamental aspect of human communication. It helps us convey emotions, build connections, and understand social cues. However, for individuals on the autism spectrum, maintaining […]

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