Drama Therapy

Drama therapy is a treatment approach that provides a platform for your child with autism, to express his/her feelings and solve problems to achieve their set therapeutic goals via drama and theatre.


What is Drama Therapy?
What is Drama Therapy?
The North American Drama Therapy Association (NADTA) defines
drama therapy as “an active, experiential approach
to facilitating change. Read more
How will Drama Therapy benefit my child with Autism?
How will Drama Therapy
benefit my child with Autism?
The primary goal of drama therapy is to provide children
with Autism, with a safe and secure experience that
encourages the full expression of their inner thoughts,
feelings, and emotions through playful, dramatic activity. Read more
When can I start Drama Therapy for my child with Autism?
When can I start Drama
Therapy for my child with
It can be started whenever you feel your
child is ready for it. Read more
Who can Drama Therapy be done from?
Who can Drama Therapy be
done from?
Most schools, community centres, and autism centres have access
to centres that specialise in or offer drama therapy. You can
refer to our exhaustive database to get a comprehensive idea
about the Dance Therapist close to you. Read more
What can I do for my child at home?
What can I do for my
child at home?
At home, it is recommended that parents
work closely with the drama therapist
and occupational therapist to find methods
that work well for their children. Read more

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