Autism Spectrum Disorder Education Learning Skills

Another set of DIY Sensory Activities for Your Child

This article is continued from the previous article on “DIY Sensory Activities for your Child with Autism”. There are other four core sensory systems that regulate our brain’s understanding of the world. They are visual, olfactory, oral and auditory sensory system. As you read, you will explore DIY “Do It Yourself” Sensory Activities for Autism mentioned to overcome dysfunction and improve the functioning of these sensory systems.


Vision problems such as lack of eye contact, side viewing or/and staring attribute to Autism. Individuals with autism may also have trouble coordinating their central and peripheral vision.

DIY Sensory Activities that can improvise vision sensory system:
1. Rainbow sand
2. Color Mixing Sensory Bottles
3. Falling Beads Sensory Bottle
4. Play with glow ice and oil


The sense of smell i.e, the olfactory system, in another way through which the brains receive information of what is going around us (Heffron et al., 2016). Noticing smells which others don’t notice, getting distracted/disturbed by smells at different places or sniffing objects can be exampled as characteristics of sensory issues in an individual with autism.

On the other hand, characteristics of hypersensitive and hyposensitive oral sensory system are disliking brushing teeth, gagging, eating certain food items only, drooling or messy at eating.

DIY Activities that can improvise olfactory & oral sensory system:

1. Sensory Sniff Jars- vanilla, rose, citrus, cinnamon fragrance

2. Scented play dough (avoid this if the child tends to eat from the dough)
3. Blow Bubble
4. Blow Whistle


Another disorder of sensory system that is common in children with autism is the auditory sensory system. Covering one’s ears in situations that are not particularly noisy, humming, getting distressed and anxious in noisy situations like busy market, events etc are some of the examples.

DIY Activities that can improvise auditory sensory system:

1. Playing matching sound games
2. Connect movement with sound
3. Play a musical instrument
4. Quiet room


Manoharan, A., A.K, A., & Manoharan, A. (2016). Addressing oral sensory issues and possible remediations in children with autism spectrum disorders: Illustrated with a single case study. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics (Vol. Heffron, C., Isabel, Rachel, Shelly, & LeAnne. (2016, April 25). SENSORY PROCESSING: THE OLFACTORY SYSTEM. Retrieved from

Olfactory – Best Practice. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Autism and auditory processing disorder: What’s the connection? (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

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