
Toddlers – The Vulnerable Victims Of Autism

Autism has its roots anchored in the brain during the early stages of development. The most apparent signs and symptoms of autism tend to surface between the age of 12 and 18 months. At times a toddler may develop normally until around his/her second year of life when he/she begins to lose skills and develop autism. This pattern is called “regression.”


The study indicates that a faulty gene or genes may be behind having a child to develop autism. Autism symptoms in toddlers may also develop due to other factors like viruses, chemical imbalance, and lack of oxygen at birth, etc. In a few instances, autism is caused by rubella (German measles) in a pregnant mother. A pregnant woman must be immunised for rubella (German measles) before getting pregnant or in the initial stages of pregnancy. This can help in the mother contracting the measles, thus preventing rubella-associated autism in toddlers or the unborn child. Following delivery, there are certain measures that may be helpful in preventing autism.


Family history of a member having autism spectrum disorder increases the risk of developing autism in toddlers. Parents having one child with autism may have a 1 in 20 having another child with autism.


Early Signs of Autism

Most of the children are diagnosed with autism during the first 14 months, but may also contract it and be diagnosed at a much later stage too.

Here are some of the main signs of autism that parents and paediatricians should recognise:

Reluctant in initiating communication

Rather than beseeching the help of parents and elders, a child with autism may remain quiet looking nervous and panicky.

Communication Difficulties

When a child is offered something distasteful, they often emit a sound or expression – to say “no.” The inability to retaliate with a sound or sign is considered as one of the most common autism symptoms in toddlers.

Repetitive Behaviours

Autism in toddlers often leads to unusual, repetitive behaviours like rocking, hand-flapping, twirling, arranging and rearranging toys, and repeating sounds, wiggling fingers in front of the eyes, etc.

Seizure Disorders

Seizures are associated with autism! They tend to show in early childhood. It is important to raise to consider this case seriously and a quick visit to a neurologist is a must.


There is no complete cure for autism. But recent research vouch for therapies that can treat the autism in a toddler. Treatment during initial stages helps the child recover at a speedy rate — meaning that she/he no longer showed any signs and symptoms of the autism spectrum. Likewise, in severe cases and late treatment, a child with autism may never recover completely. Still, with treatments like stem cell therapy, many children with autism or another spectrum of neurological disorders are able to enjoy a normal life.


There is no regular diagnosis for autism at an early age of less than one year. Still, parents should observe and discuss any abnormal signs or developments seen in a child. A professional doctor/therapist can provide an intervention plan to make the child functional and reduce problem behaviours.

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