Family Care Learning Skills

10 Best Apps For Autism Child

The use of educational applications for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be helpful for social development and for evolving their learning skills. Mobile technology has influenced almost every field including autism awareness and treatment.

Below mentioned is a list of some of the best apps for autism proved to help kids and their family members to navigate through their daily challenges and educate themselves about the disorder.

10 Best Apps For Autism Child

Communicate Easy

Platform: iPad

For: Special Needs Communication

Language modeling depends on the principle that helps the child to observe and mimic using correct responses and combinations. This ‘Communication Easy’ App is for people with autism, wherein it encourages them to use language in a meaningful way for social interactions. The goal is to help parents with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder to build better lives for themselves.

4 Forms

Platforms: iPhone & iPad

For: Educational, Mathematics, Reading

4 Forms are one of the best apps for autism designed to help the kids learn about colors shapes and simple mathematical problems and to provoke their delayed language skills. With creative & colorful images and verbal prompts, playing with 4 Form App is a fun way for children and parents to learn and play together.

ADHD Autism Behavior problems

Platform: Android

For: Behaviour, Social Skills

This app is an apt approach for children with or without ADHD related issues. The ‘ADHD Autism Behavior problems’ app helps with techniques aimed for providing special education. The techniques of intervention are based on the teachings of a renowned educator.

Autimo – Discover emotions

Platform: Android

For: Behaviour, Educational, Communication, Social Skills

The ‘Autimo – Discover emotions’ app is prescribed for people of all age group who are affected by development problems.  This is one of the best apps for autism which is based on the concepts documented by educators who did a lot of research for children with special needs. This app helps in discovering the emotions and difficulties such as facial expressions, reading and the body language of children with autism.


Platform: Android

For: Social Skills, Communication

To meet the growing interest in online educational programs, ‘Autism’ App is the child’s best guide! This App strengthens growth by teaching the child a number of developmental skills. This also employs e-learning techniques by using their favorite cartoon character called ‘Mofeed’ to meet the needs of kids with autism, irrespective of their language and geographical settings.

Autism and PDD Yes/No Lite

Platform: Android

For: Communication, Educational

‘Autism and PDD Yes/No Lite’ is one of the Buddy Bear products also known as a speech-language therapist that helps in developing joint attention and language skills in children. The screen has two Buddy Bears – one nodding a ‘yes’ and the other shaking a ‘no’. The child can develop his skill by touching the Buddy Bear to answer the question correctly.

Autism / DTT Colors by Dr. Brown

Platforms: iPhone, iPad

For: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Behaviour, Planning and Time Management, Communication, Listening Comprehension, Social Skills, Motor Skills, Medical, Family Care, Educational

Autism/DTT Color App is the primary teaching method, using Discrete Trial Training (DTT), to teach pre-academic and social skills to individuals with autism. This app is based on the teachings of Dr. Brown, a Licensed Psychologist who dedicated his experience to provide low-cost ABA resources for parents/caregivers.  Both the ABA and DTT together increase skill and hope in people to lead happy lives.

Autism Basic Questions Lite

Platforms: Android, iPad

For: Communication, Educational

This is a well-known Buddy Bear software designed to help children with autism to understand and answer simple questions. The app uses simple, predictable language, uncluttered illustrations and a story based way of teaching new concepts.

Autism Early Intervention App

Platform: Android

For: Reading, Writing, and Communication

The ‘Autism Early Intervention App’ provide children with autism abundance opportunities to learn through sensory experiences by exploring objects and materials. Using this App has helped children with developmental delays.

Autism Education (AutEdu)

Platform: Android

For: Reading, Writing, Educational

This is one of the best ‘mobile autism apps’ beneficial in helping those with autism and their families. It helps them to understand their daily challenges, enhance better learning and educate them about various aspects of autism.

The above apps provide parents various treatment options and apt knowledge, to propel their kids in the right direction. They can also help you understand ways in which you can communicate with your child.

Find More Autism Apps.


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  2. Integrated play groups combine children both with and without autism spectrum disorder so those with ASD can follow their peers’ lead and learn how to play. Groups have three to five children, with just a few children with ASD in each group. They can go hiking, play with animals or just swim. At Autism respite things are better than what I’ve seen in other respite services.

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