Music Therapy

Music therapy is a therapeutic usage of rhythm, sound and instruments in facilitating better understanding, communication, social interaction, sensory processing, and improved attention spans in children with Autism.


What is Music Therapy?
Music Therapy for autism uses music to address
physical, emotional, cognitive, social needs of
children with autism. This can be done mostly
by simulating the senses. Read more
How does Music Therapy help
my child with Autism?
Apart from being a therapy in itself, Music therapy
can go hand in hand with other therapies your
child may be receiving. Read more
When can I start using Music Therapy
for my child with Autism?
Music from a young age is found to increase the
ability to associate some sounds with communication
of needs as it helps in connecting the auditory and
motor functions of the brain. Read more
Whom should I get Music
Therapy done from?
Similar to other forms of therapy, most
schools have affiliations with music
therapists to come and help a child with
her/his therapy using music. Our website
has a robust database of good music
therapists. The database is sorted by
country, state, and city. Read more
What can I do at home to help my child?
The best you can do as a parent, for your
child with autism, is constantly support
your child in whatever she/he wants to
do in terms of music therapy. Read more

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