WordQ is an assistive technology software that has helped millions of people around the world read, write, and type on a screen as quickly and easily as possible. Because WordQ was designed for accessibility first, it's highest priorities are always ease-of-use, efficiency and accuracy. WordQ was created to support the unique needs of disabled and neurodivergent people learning, working and communicating on computers. Like many truly accessible designs, WordQ's benefits extend beyond the disabled community and have been used to support people for whom English is a second language and by those who simply want to increase their efficiency and accuracy when working at a computer. WordQ Supports People With: Learning Differences Limited Mobility Dyspraxia Dyslexia Aphasia Trauma Autism ADHD
WordQ is an easy-to-install and simple-to-use desktop software that has helped millions read, write and communicate with ease and independence. It has state-of-the-art word prediction, text-to-speech capability for better comprehension and effective proofreading, talk-to-type speech recognition and lots more. WordQ is completely secure and doesn't require an internet connection, except to download and activate it and works with you virtually anywhere that you type on your computer.
CDC reports that 1 in 36 kids is diagnosed with autism spectrum
...Brushing teeth can be a difficult activity for numerous children,
...Providing dental care to kids with autism is challenging as it