How does Sensory Integration help my child?

Sensory integration therapy is a technique used by occupational therapists through fun and play-based activities. It attempts to change how the brain responds to touch, sound, sight and movement.

Your therapist would begin by assessing your child's sensory system. They would then introduce your child to specifically designed activities to stimulate, organize and challenge all of his/her senses. The aim of sensory integration therapy is to improve the ability of the brain to process sensory information so your child will function more adaptively in his/her daily activities.


Other Questions 

What is Sensory Integration?

Does my child need Sensory Integration?

What does Sensory Integration include?

How often does my child need Sensory Integration, and at what age should I start?

Who can provide Sensory Integration for my child?

Can I use Sensory Integration at home with my child; if so, how?

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