Can I use Sensory Integration at home with my child; if so, how?

Parental education about the sensory issues and reason of behavior that the child exhibits is most important to understand the child's problem and trying to support him/her to better cope with the environment loaded with multiple sensory inputs such as sounds, touch, smells etc. Even teachers needs to be educated about these issues in order for children to perform well at school. Parents know their child best so they can provide the necessary information to the teacher about the sensory issues their child is facing.

A parent can incorporate sensory integration into the home by providing many different opportunities for a child to move in different ways and feel different things. A sensory diet under the supervision of an occupational therapist can be implemented at the home, school and community environments. Similar to nutritional diets, the sensory diet is designed to meet your child's sensory needs. It is a carefully designed, personalized daily schedule of sensory enriched activities, equipment, and strategies to help a person stay focused and organized throughout the day. Eg. Providing movement beaks like having kids jump on a trampoline can work to fulfill their sensory needs which further enhance their ability to focus on studies.


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