What type of food should I include in my child's diet?

As parents, it is important to work closely with the nutritionist to make sure to follow the specific diet and nutrition plan. It is also advisable for parents to help their children follow a rainbow diet that is a diet consisting of colorful vegetables and fruits. Parents can help introduce new vegetables and fruits slowly. The human brain needs lot of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals to work its best.

All the mentioned nutrients are packed in veggies and fruits, and the use of probiotics in food can help soothe the gut and improve its functioning. Thus, these tips can help parents ensure the benefits of a healthy diet.

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While following Gluten free diet gluten free alternatives like millets, quinoa, rice, sorghum, gluten free pasta, noodles, gluten free bread etc can be included.
While following Casein free diet casein free alternatives like coconut milk, rice milk, Almond milk can be included.

Points to remember

  • Do not include processed foods at all in the diet.

  • All foods should be as natural as possible.

  • Fruits and vegetables should be given raw and fresh.

  • Give small and frequent meals.

  • Give plenty of water daily.

  • Do not allow children to skip meal.

  • Make them chew food properly before swallowing.

  • If having difficulty in chewing change food consistency as per need.

  • Limit fried foodstuff.

  • Include the alternative food items before eliminating the restricted food items from the diet.

  • Maintain food dairy.

  • Try to incorporate colorful variety of food.

  • Read label carefully for gluten & casein.

  • All children on elimination diets should be under the care of a nutritionist.


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