What is Camel Milk?

What is Camel Milk

Camel milk so called white gold of the desert is more similar to human milk than any other milk and differs from other ruminant milk because it contains low cholesterol, low sugar, high minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), high vitamin C, protective proteins like as Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, Immunoglobulins, lysozyme.


Benefits of Camel Milk for Autism

Camel Milk for Autism

Autism disease is a general term for a group of complex disorders of brain development. The etiology of many autistic cases is based primarily on autoimmune disease, affecting an intestinal enzyme responsible for the formation of amino acids from the milk protein casein. Sometimes casein breaks down to powerfulopioid, casomorphin instead of primarily beta-casein and beta lactoglobulin. This opioid leads to typical cognitive and behavior symptoms due to brain damage.

The most prominent cerebral symptoms are caused by a malfunction in the formation of amino acids from two caseins in cow milk, beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin Instead, a powerful opioid, casomorphin, is formed. This opioid elicits the cerebral symptoms of autism syndrome.

But Camel milk does not contain the two caseins that form casomorphin from cow milk, so symptoms do not develop. In addition, camel milk contains Igs necessary for initiating the immune system and nutritional advantages for brain development. Furthermore, camel milk has emerged to have potential therapeutic effects in autism.

The consumption of camel milk in children suffering from autism showed reduction in autism symptoms and improved motor skills, language, cognition, joint coordination and skin health.Research has also shown that children drinking camel milk have had amazing improvements in their behavior and diets.

The camel milk benefits for autism are also examined in several studies. The results of these studies show that camel milk for autism recovery is beneficial.

Camel milk also helps with autism spectrum disorder and brain conditions. A lot of parents have shared stories of their kids suffering from behavioral conditions. They claim that drinking camel milk has improved autism and other behavioral conditions in their kids. However, these anecdotes cannot serve the purpose of evidence.

The effects of camel milk on behavioral conditions in children have been studied in several studies. However, the number of subjects has been small. Researchers divided subjects into three groups. Researchers have compared the results of giving cow milk, raw camel milk and boiled camel milk to children with autism. The group that was given camel milk showed significant improvement.



Camel Milk For Autism Spectrum Disorders

Story of Camel Milk For Autism Spectrum Disorders

According to a patient report published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, camel milk for autism has worked for a boy diagnosed with autism disorder at the age of 3. When the boy reached the age of 9, he started drinking one cup of raw camel milk a day. The boy experienced overnight improvements in autism symptoms. This regular raw camel milk consumption was associated with six consecutive years of sustained symptom improvements.

When the boy was 15 to 18 months old, he experienced the loss of language and attention. He also experienced the following symptoms:

  • Sensitivity to noise

  • Hyperactivity

  • Fixation on water and objects

  • Aggressive behavior such as biting

  • Interaction problems

  • Food allergies and intolerance

  • Auditory processing delay

  • Skin conditions

  • Intermittent tic disorder

  • Constipation

After a camel farmer told her about Middle Eastern hospitals using camel milk for babies, she started researching camel milk for autism. She spoke to people familiar with the use of camel milk for autism. After studying raw camel milk for two years, she decided to give her boy the goodness of non-allergenic and nutrient-rich camel milk. Her boy drank raw, unheated camel milk on October 10, 2007, for the first time and showed significant improvements in communication, eye contact, emotional expression and self-organization. He continued daily consumption of 4 oz of camel milk. He also showed improvements in vocabulary, language and other academic skills.

However, his behavior began to deteriorate when he stopped drinking camel milk for autism spectrum disorder. Symptoms were once again greatly improved after the boy resumed camel milk consumption. This story shows that camel milk for autism spectrum disorders along with medications and dietary management offers sustained benefits.


Camel Milk Nutritional Value

Camel Milk Nutritional Value

Camel milk has different nutritional characteristics from cow milk, but the proportions of nutrients can be highly variable based on a number of factors, including type and age of camel, climate, what it eats, and milking method. It can be used to make products such as yogurt and ice cream, but is not so easily turned into butter or cheese.

Casein is a major part of protein in camel milk. Camel milk has more digestibility and less allergic reactions in infants.

Camel milk differs from other ruminant milk as it contains low cholesterol, low sugar, high minerals, high vitamin C and higher protective proteins like Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, Immunoglobulins and lysozyme. Camel milk lacks of β-lactoglobulin and used as an option for the individuals intolerant to lactose of cow’s milk Camel’s milk is unique in terms of antioxidative factors, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-hepatitis, anti-arthritis, treatment for paratuberculosis, prevents aging, remedy for autoimmune diseases and cosmetics. Insulin in camel milk is safe and efficacious in improving long-term glycemic control in diabetic patients. Camel milk reduces autism symptoms in children. Lactoferrin has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cell. Camel milk is rich in magnesium and zinc thus endowed with antiulcer properties. Camel milk has high α-hydroxyl acids which are known to plump and smoothes the skin and also used to treat skin disorders such as dermatitis, Acne, Psoriasis and Eczema. Although camel milk has such values, it’s less appreciated thus its consumption is restricted to pastoral area.

Camel milk is high in antioxidants, which help prevent damage to your cells that can lead to serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. Unlike other kinds of milk, camel milk has low levels of sugar and cholesterol and high amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Potassium

  • Iron

  • Copper

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin B

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin E

  • Calcium

  • Kalium

One cup of camel milk contains

  • 107 calories

  • 5.4 grams of protein

  • 4.6 grams of fat

  • 3 grams of saturated fat

  • 11 grams of carbohydrates

  • 8 grams of sugar



camel milk conclusion

Many people have shared their experience of camel milk for autism spectrum disorder. Those who consume camel milk daily have a lot of positive things to say about it. People living in deserts have used camel milk for hundreds of years to treat many health problems. Even clinical studies show that camel milk for autism decreases oxidative stress and as a result, helps in autism treatment.



  • Anti-diabetic properties

  • Therapeutic effects of camel milk on cancer, tumor and ulcer

  • Camel milk effect as antiaging

  • Camel milk for treatment of Crohn’s disease

  • Treatment for allergies

  • Therapeutic effect camel milk on hepatitis

  • Therapeutic effect camel milk on hepatitis




The risk factors of consuming Camel Milk for autism spectrum disorder

The risk factors for autism spectrum disorder include:

  • Environmental factors

  • Immune factors

  • Genetic factors

  • Neurochemicals

  • Oxidative stress




Where To Buy Camel Milk

If you are living in a desert region, you don’t need to Google “where to buy camel milk” or “camel farm near me”. Camel milk is very readily available in desert regions. However, there are camel farms in the United States as well. You don’t need to drive to one such farm to purchase camel milk for autism. You can buy camel powder online. Desertfarms.com is a website that has started the camel milk revolution in the United States. The online store sells a range of camel milk packages. If you want to test camel milk before adding it to your diet, the website also offers a camel milk free trial package.

The camel dairy farming industry has grown in Australia and the United States, as an environmentally-friendly alternative to cow dairy farming using a species well-adapted to arid regions. It's highly sought after.About 5.3 million tons of the stuff is produced around the world each year, mostly coming out of Somalia.

  • Camel Milk USA. Millie Hinkle. ...

  • Sahara Camel Milk.

  • Hump-Back Dairy.

  • Oasis Camel Dairy.

  • Camel Culture.

  • River Jordan Camel Dairy..

  • Camelicious USA.

  • Advaik. India

  • Amul Camel Milk. India.

Got Camel Milk
Got Camel Milk






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