Physical Therapy

Children with autism, apart from the core difficulties in social behavior and interaction, communication skills and stereotypical behavior, also face problems with motor planning, posture and coordination. But in the presence of gross behavioral and sensory manifestations the motor symptoms are often overlooked. Slowly as the understanding of autism is growing, various studies have identified motor and physical impairment in children with autism.

Physical Therapy is thus, the detection and the corrective measures taken for these physical complaints before they become permanent.


What is animal assisted therapy?
What is
Physical therapy is a treatment option for those children with autism
spectrum disorder, that need help developing age-appropriate motor
skills, have low muscle tone, or problems with physical systems such
as breathing control, etc. Read more
What are the benefits of animal assisted therapy?
What are the benefits of physical therapy for
my child with Autism?
Physical therapy has now being considered as
an integral part of the early intervention
program for the management of autism. Read more
When can I start Animal assisted therapy and who should it be done from?
When can I start Physical Therapy for my child with Autism, and
who should I do it from?
Physical therapy can be started from birth, and the
therapy differs based on the age of the child. You can
refer to our exhaustive database to see which good
Physical Therapists are available near you. Read more
What can I do at home with my child?
What can I do for my
child at home?
You are advised to work closely with your child's
physical therapist as well as the occupational
therapist to learn about what to do at home. Read more

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