How will Drama Therapy benefit my child with Autism?
The primary goal of drama therapy is to provide children with Autism, with a safe and secure experience that encourages the full expression of their inner thoughts, feelings, and emotions through playful, dramatic activity. Based on this individuality, the desired outcome of drama therapy is different for each participant and thus must be tailored specifically for each child, however, the fundamental method designed is to promote healing and growth, to alleviate symptoms of autism through the use of role playing and dramatic interactions.
As a practice, drama therapy aims to promote positive behavioral changes in children dealing with social interactions, improve relationship skills via expression and communication, develop ways to integrate physical and emotional well-being, achieve personal growth and self-awareness, and help improve overall quality of life by relieving some symptoms of autism and helping a child feel comfortable in her/his own skin.
Due to its scope for versatility, Drama therapy for autism, continues to gain ground as a therapeutic tool. It can be used in a variety of settings, including schools, mental health clinics, community centers, etc.
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