Podcasts are primarily for parents and professionals who deal with children with Autism. They inspire, inform and support families and children with Autism. At times, they also highlight Autism related associations, apps and experiences.

Here is a list of Podcasts related to Autism.

We would love to get recommendations from you on any other podcasts for children with Autism that are not in this list. You could write to us at contact@autismconnect.com

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Total No. of Records: 241

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Focus on the Family


Julie Hornok discusses the tendencies of someone who has been diagnosed, dealing with grief and feelings of disappointment as a parent, and eventually realizing the hope that is found in Christ’s purpose for you and your child. Julie encourages parents to seek support for both themselves and their children, surrender their plans for their family, and believe that God has given their child a beautiful purpose.

Mar, 2022

The Spectrum Dad

Fred Marvel


Our family’s journey with our son on the spectrum along with interviews of other families and professionals to help bring about more autism awareness

Aug, 2020

Dustin's Dynasty



Shining a light into the normality of Autism/Asperger's

Jan, 2021

Autism Live

The Autism Network


Autism Live is an interactive webshow providing support, resources, information, facts, entertainment and inspiration to parents, teachers and practitioners working with children on the Autism Spectrum. Viewers are encouraged to participate by asking questions of experts, offering suggestions for topics to be discussed and sharing progress their children have made

Feb, 2014

1800 Seconds on Autism

Robyn Steward, Jamie Knight


From home and family to humour and epic geekiness, this is a funny and enlightening podcast about thinking differently. With autistic hosts Robyn Steward, Jamie Knight and guests.

Nov, 2018




Our podcast series provides discussion around a range of topics, all underpinned by the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. We desire to share best practices, provoke conversation around existing research and consider where we need to focus our efforts in the future.

Oct, 2020

Autism Through Cinema

the Autism Through Cinema project


Investigating autistic presence and expression on film and TV. We push beyond the obvious and seek out autistic themes and concerns in films from across the cinematic spectrum. We consider the ethics of performing autism, while also celebrating the autistic pleasures offered by the camerawork and the soundscapes. We delve into the works of cult directors who have hit upon an autistic way of seeing, perhaps without ever intending to. We entertain new possibilities for re-thinking beloved films in a neurodivergent light.

Feb, 2022

Autism Wellbeing Plan - Children's Health - ADHD

Autism Wellbeing Plan - Children's H.. by Christian Yordanov


Learn how to improve your child's health using functional lab testing, diet, supplementation, sleep strategies, and more. Christian Yordanov, bestselling author of 'Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy' shares his nuggets of research that will help you improve your child's health and quality of life, at the same time improving your own quality of life.

Feb, 2022

Our Journey with Autism: Coming Out of the Fog

Jennifer Slater-Sanchez, Ed.D


"Autism can be as challenging for families as it is for the person living with it. Join educator and mom of two, Dr. Jennifer Slater-Sanchez as she shares personal stories of the ups and downs of having a child with autism, as well as interviews with other parents and advocates who are changing the world for people on the spectrum. Each episode will show there is light at the end of the tunnel, after coming out of the fog of your child's diagnosis. Real stories of hope and inspiration in the world of autism. "

Mar, 2021

SPEW (Spectrum People Enjoying Wizardry)

Quirinus and Lavender


An autism podcast for HP fans in which two friends affected by autism talk about autism and Harry Potter! Quirinus has Asperger's Syndrome and Lavender's daughter, Abby Cadabby, has non-verbal Autism: And they both enjoy Harry Potter!

Jan, 2019

Akhil Autism Foundation

Manisha Lad


Providing practical and science-based solutions for families dealing with autism. Foundation founder and executive director, Manisha Lad is a Nutrition Consultant, and mother of an only son recovering from autism. He inspired her to not only start the Akhil Autism foundation, but he transformed her to become a Holistic Health Coach and Autism Advocate. Akhil’s Foundation was formed to Educate, Treat, Research and Support Autism. Help an autistic individual lead an independent and functional life. Every Autistic individual deserves treatment and every parent needs education

Apr, 2022

Parenting ADHD & Autism With Parenting Coach, Penny Williams

Penny Williams


Penny Williams helps parents stop the battles with their kids, so they can empower their kids to thrive. Get effective parenting strategies for kids with ADHD and/or Autism - offering parent training, support, and hope

Aug, 2022

Spectrum Autism Research



Your latest update from Spectrum, the leading source of news and expert opinion on autism research.

Sep, 2016

Living the Sky Life - Our Autism Journey



This podcast comes to you from a very tired, slightly slap happy and eternally hopeful warrior mom of a young adult son with severe, non-verbal autism. My hope is to bring together parents of special needs children and professionals so we may share stories and experience to build a worldwide village of support for one another. Living the Sky Life offers a personal connection and understanding from those who have likely walked in your shoes.

Sep, 2019

The Autism ADHD Podcast



Supporting differently wired children can be both rewarding and challenging! Holly Blanc Moses, everyone's favorite behavior expert, shares her strategies to help children diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. If you want to learn how to effectively improve behavior, emotional health, social skills, and academic performance, this podcast is for you.

Oct, 2019

Autism In Real Life

Ilia Walsh


"Autism In Real Life, hosted by Ilia Walsh, is dedicated to offering insights into the joys and challenges of living with autism. Are you a parent or educator frustrated with how to best help someone diagnosed on the autism spectrum? Ever wish other people understood what living with autism was like? Want to know what resources and tools exist to better help your child or student? In this podcast, you will hear first-hand from other parents, educators, advocates as well as adults on the spectrum share their experiences and expertise. You will learn strategies for learning, employment, relationships, day-to-day living and more. These personal stories and interviews will inspire as well as empower you to try new tools and be a better advocate so you can see the unique gifts and talents of individuals on the autism spectrum fully recognized. Please join Ilia's email list to get more information on the podcast, receive blog posts and the newsletter. To learn more visit www.autisminreallifethepodcast.com. To support the podcast please consider donating at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/autismIRLMusic & Editing Copyright 2020 Ryan Walsh. To hear more of Ryan's music, you can check out his SoundCloud @TransparentDark The information, opinions, and recommendations presented on the Autism in Real Life podcast, website, or newsletter are for general information purposes only and are solely those of the individuals involved and may not represent AANE’s positions, strategies or opinions. "

Sep, 2021

Barefoot Autism Warriors

Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson


The 'pick me up' podcast for overwhelmed autism warrior moms who are looking to get their child and their life back. Done with wasting time & money on in-effective therapies, extreme autism diets, supplements, tests, and Biomed protocols? Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's autism around in Nature. This podcast is where you find the holistic tools, mindset strategies, experts, and success path she used to get him from stimming, sleepless nights, tantrums, chaos, and no eye contact to a neurotypical life.

Nov, 2018

The Autism Consultant

Molly Johnson


Welcome to The Autism Consultant podcast! I'm Molly Johnson, a former autism teacher now consulting autism parents to guide you through the difficulties that come with having a child on the spectrum. I'm here to provide you with practical tips and strategies to use at home to help your child reach their highest potential.

May, 2020

The Autismeveryday's Podcast

Autism Everyday


Two Behavior Analysts giving you perspective on Autism every day!

Apr, 2020

Community Autism Resources

Community Autism Resources


Community Autism Resources assists & educates families & professionals to better meet the needs of persons with ASD by helping to build collaborative relationships with those involved to provide comprehensive and individually tailored supports. Community Autism Resources is funded by the Department of Developmental Services and generous donors to provide services, programs, and supports.

Jan, 2020

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