Books can play a big role in helping you and your child with Autism. You’ll find books can be a good way to connect with your children as they learn to share, make eye contact and it enhances their speech while reading one with their parents.

Here is a list of specially curated books related to Autism available on Kindle, Pdf version and paperback.

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Total No. of Records: 1,674

Autism in Childhood and Autistic Features in adults

This is the first collection of papers published in this country which spans work with autistic children and autistic features in adults. The links between the two groups make for fascinating reading and go some way to explain the widespread interest in the enigma of autism. Many of the adult patients described are less ill than autistic children whose development has ground to a halt at an early age, but at the core of their difficulties can be found autistic features remarkably similar to those of the more floridly disturbed children. This leads several writers to conclude that autistic features are to be found in many adults, some would say in all of us. The insights contained in these papers open up access to deep levels of the human psyche and have far-reaching clinical implications. 'This collection draws together papers which are central to today's psychoanalytic understanding of childhood autism and of autistic aspects of adult patients. Some of these papers are classics in the field while others describe more recent advances in understanding and technique.



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Autistic Spectrum Disorders A Guide for Paediatricians in India

Awareness of autism has grown tremendously since it was first described by Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943. Despite many gains that have been made in more accurately understanding and describing the causes, course and treatment of the disorder, many myths and misconceptions about autism still prevail. In many countries of the world, most of the public?as well as many professionals?are still unaware of how it affects people, and how to best work with individuals with autism. These may include those in the medical, educational, and vocational fields. From among all the many professionals who come into contact with children, paediatricians are in the unique position to provide an early diagnosis of autism, since they are frequently the first point of professional contact for a parent. Despite their busy schedule, paediatricians are also in the best position to provide more than just a diagnosis of autism, and paediatricians in India have increasingly expressed interest in how to best direct parents about what to do next. In addition to some information on identifying features of autism, these pages carry answers to some of the questions paediatricians are commonly asked by parents, as well as some basic information on services and therapies available within India. We hope this information will prove useful in the ongoing effort to increase awareness of autism among the medical community in India.



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Pathways to Child Hospitalization

The report consists of four main sections. The problem of gastro- enteritis as it is relevant to this study is outlined in Section I. The background and the research work co~cerning doctors and their decision-making is presented in the next sectio~ (Section 2). Following this is a detailed comparison of the child and family circumstances of those with gastroenteritis who have been managed at home and in hospital (Section 3). The final section (Section 4) presents information on the most fruitful alternatives to hospitalization as suggested by study findings and the current Irish situation. An executive summary of the main findings of the study is provided at the beginning of the report.



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Irish Families Under Stress ? Volume 6.(Planning for the future of Autistic Persons)

I am very glad to see that Professor Fitzgerald is continuing to carry out research on Irish families under stress. It is important that the causes and effects of stress on families continues to be researched, and that the outcomes of that research are published as in instrument for planners, including health planners, at national and local level. The challenges and demands placed on families in the 90's are varied and take on a totally different dimension when a family unit has cared for a member who is elderly or disabled. In this regard a family member with autism presents a particular challenge. The support provided by the health services, with a range of programmes of day care, home support, educational, and respite, is very much welcomed by the parents and siblings of the autistic child. Cognisance has to be taken of the care demand met by the family unit. Professor Fitzgerald's research on the stress associated with family care will be welcomed by those families and health care providers generally.



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Autism Spectrum Disorder - Recent Advances

This book starts with a new sub category of Autism Criminal Autistic Psychopathy and school shootings. It focuses on a number of interventions, including speech and language pathology, speech and language assessment instruments, occupational therapy, improving functional language development in autism with natural gestures, communication boards etc as well as helping people with autism using the pictorial support, training of concepts of significant others, theory of mind, social concepts and a conceptual model for empowering families of children with autism cross culturally. It also examines the issue of hyperandrogenism and evidence-based treatments of autism. In terms of assessment, it focuses on psychological and biological assessment including neurotransmitters systems, structural and functional brain imaging, coping strategies of parents, examines the intertwining of language impairment, specific language impairment and ASD, as well as implicit and spontaneous Theory of Mind reading in ASD. In terms of aetiology, it focuses on genetic factors, epigenetics, synaptic vesicles, toxicity during neurodevelopment, immune system and sex differences. It also examines the link between social cognitive anatomical and neurophysiologic biomarkers and candidate genes. This book will be relevant to all mental health professionals because autism occurs in all the different areas of psychiatry and professionals who will find it helpful will be psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, teachers and all those working with persons with Autism including parents who nowadays are interested in knowing more and more, at a detailed level about their children or adults with autism.



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There is no doubt that the technological and scientific progress of homosapiens has been hastened by persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Fitzgerald 2000 (a & b) 2004, 2005). Spikins in her chapter illustrates the Stone Age origins of autism with reference to the archaeological record and the Palaeolithic record. It is of critical importance to pay attention to the positive aspects of autism. The study of attitudes of people towards autism is of critical importance as the issue of a stigma is still very prevalent in all countries even more so in non-western countries. KarniVizer Niritetal describes the attitudes towards autism among Israeli Arab teachers of college students. They are particularly focused on inclusion. Interest in religious faith gave some mothers strength. Coulthard and myself demonstrated this also some years ago (Coulthard and Fitzgerald 1979, 1999). This study was also done on mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.



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The pace of research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) can only be described as extraordinary as this volume shows. It is extremely difficult for any single professional to keep abreast of all the developments in this area. This volume gathers together leading researchers and expert clinicians from many different parts of the world to produce this "up-to-the-minute" volume. It gives an in depth view of many areas of research which may be unfamiliar to the clinician and indeed researcher focused on their own area of interest. The volume gives an in depth overview of the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders.



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The Mind of the Artist: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Asperger Syndrome & Depression

This is a provocative and novel investigation of the psyches of sixty artists, predominantly from the world of film, theatre and television/radio ? writers, actors, producers and directors ranging from Shakespeare and Voltaire to major late-twentieth-century figures such as Spike Milligan, Sam Peckinpah and Frank Sinatra, by way of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Orson Welles and Judy Garland. Irish artists featured include Oliver St. John Gogarty, Jimmy O?Dea and Richard Harris. The chapters, which range from quite brief vignettes to more in-depth studies, examine the background of each individual before considering their personality, social relationships and work. Professor Fitzgerald brings his expertise to bear in elucidating the psychological factors, strengths and frailties that shaped the lives and careers of these prominent creators, many of whom are regarded as geniuses.



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The Reason I Jump

Book invites you, his reader, to imagine a daily life in which your faculty of speech is taken away. Explaining that you?re hungry, or tired, or in pain, is now as beyond your powers as a chat with a friend. I?d like to push the thought-experiment a little further. Now imagine that after you lose your ability to communicate, the editor-in-residence who orders your thoughts walks out without notice. The chances are that you never knew this mind-editor existed but, now that he or she has gone, you realize too late how they allowed your mind to function for all these years. A dam-burst of ideas, memories, impulses and thoughts is cascading over you, unstoppably. Your editor controlled this flow, diverting the vast majority away, and recommending just a tiny number for your conscious consideration. But now you?re on your own.



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ASD and Me: Learning About Autism Spectrum Disorder

Back in 2010, author Teresa DeMars went looking for a book to explain autism to her son. When she couldn?t find one that fit the characteristics of his autism, she wrote ASD and Me. Written for kids diagnosed with Asperger?s Syndrome, PDD-NOS, or autism, parents will appreciate the way this heartwarming children's picture book will help them explain Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to their child on the spectrum. ASD and Me is written from the point of view of Eli, a seven-year-old boy who has ASD. Through the story, Eli explains how he was diagnosed, and how ASD affects the way he thinks and interprets the world around him. He also talks about some of the social and life skills he has learned that help him fit in with others. The story concludes with some of the interests and activities Eli shares with other children. ASD and Me is a great book to help introduce the subject of autism to siblings, classmates, extended family and to those on the spectrum. (Updated print version of the book may not be available from third party sellers.)



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Autism Spectrum Disorder (revised): The Complete Guide to Understanding Autism

Newly revised and updated, this award-winning guide covers every aspect of understanding and living with autism today. Comprehensive and authoritative, Autism Spectrum Disorders explains all aspects of the condition, and is written for parents, educators, caregivers, and others looking for accurate information and expert insight. Newly updated to reflect the latest research, treatment methods, and DSM-V criteria, this invaluable book covers: The causes of autism spectrum disorders, getting an accurate diagnosis, treatments based on behavioral, psychological, and biomedical interventions, coping strategies for families and education needs and programs, living and working conditions for adults with ASD, community interaction and teaching strategies and resources for educators and other professionals.



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Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Children With Starving Brains is a message of hope in the midst of a worldwide epidemic of autism, ADD and ADHD. This is the first book written by an experienced clinician that gives a step-by-step treatment guide for parents and doctors based on the understanding that ASD is a complex biomedical illness resulting in significant brain malnutrition. Genetic susceptibility activated by ?triggers? such as pesticides and heavy metals in vaccines can lead to immune system impairment, gut dysfunction, and pathogen invasion such as yeast and viruses in many children. Dr. McCandless, whose grandchild with autism has inspired her ?broad spectrum approach, ? describes important diagnostic tools needed to select appropriate treatment programs. Her book explains major therapies newly available and identifies safe and effective options for parents and physicians working together to improve the health of these special children.



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1001 Tips for the parents of autistic girls

Parents of girls with Autism face unique challenges as their girls grow into their teens. Having to teach daughters about physical aspects of menstruation, why they have a period, and facts about birth control are topics that all parents grapple with, parents of girls with autism have the the added challenge of discussing sexuality, and giving of witholding of concent for their daughters who have much more difficulty understanding the feelings and rules associated with sexual relationships.



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1001 Tips for the parents of autistic boys

This book seeks to provide helpful tips, general information, and strategies to help families master Autism. This book is not intended to provide specific medical advise, all therapies and treatments discussed are for informational purpose only. If anything in this book conflicts with your doctors advise you should follow ypur doctors advise. All medical treatments have the potential for harmful side effects, so seek the advise of your doctor before beginning any biomedical treatments for your child.



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