Books can play a big role in helping you and your child with Autism. You’ll find books can be a good way to connect with your children as they learn to share, make eye contact and it enhances their speech while reading one with their parents.

Here is a list of specially curated books related to Autism available on Kindle, Pdf version and paperback.

We would love to get recommendations from you on any useful books for children with Autism that are not in this list. You could write to us at

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Total No. of Records: 1,452

Positive Parenting for Raising a Child with Autism: Empowering Parents to Build Resilience in their Autistic Children

"Strengthening relationships and promoting growth in autistic children through positive parenting

A neurodevelopmental illness called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impairs behavior, social interaction, and communication. However, with appropriate treatment and support, individuals with autism can lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential. This is where positive parenting comes in, and this book gets you covered on raising children with autism.

The book is a comprehensive guide for parents and caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who want to develop a positive and effective parenting approach."


17 March 2023

for Kindle/Paperback/ for eBook


Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior

"With unique personal insight, experience, and hard science, Animals in Translation is the definitive, groundbreaking work on animal behavior and psychology.

Temple Grandin’s professional training as an animal scientist and her history as a person with autism have given her a perspective like that of no other expert in the field of animal science. Grandin and coauthor Catherine Johnson present their powerful theory that autistic people can often think the way animals think—putting autistic people in the perfect position to translate “animal talk.” Exploring animal pain, fear, aggression, love, friendship, communication, learning, and even animal genius, Grandin is a faithful guide into their world."


July 23, 2009

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Disconnected Kids

"The proven, drug-free program to treat the cause-not just the symptoms-of autism spectrum disorders and related conditions.

Each year, an estimated 1.5 million children-one out of every six-are diagnosed with autism, Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Dr. Robert Melillo brings a fundamentally new understanding to the cause of these conditions with his revolutionary Brain Balance Program(tm). It has achieved real, fully documented results that have dramatically improved the quality of life for children and their families in every aspect: behavioral, emotional, academic, and social. "


3 March 2015

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How to Handle Kids With Disabilities: Practical and effective guide on how to raise kids with disabilities (ADHD, OCD, Autism); what parents really need to know.

"Has your kid been diagnosed with a handicap of any kind? Do you get the feeling that everything in your formerly steady world has crumbled? I know, I've been there too.You know your child needs you now more than ever because, as they get adjusted to life on the spectrum, they will board a roller coaster that they are undoubtedly too young to ride by themselves. You feel a conflict between the parent you previously pictured and the parent you need to be right now.
Very likely, you are concerned about your child's future. Nonetheless, all your concerns still apply to the present. Raising a child with one or more disabilities can be challenging, especially in the early years after diagnosis."


29 March 2023

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Autism Parenting Books: Psycho-Educational Picture-Book

"Learning that your child has been diagnosed with autism is a powerful moment in your life. Suddenly your life may feel very different from what you expected it to be.
This psycho-educational picture book aims to cut through their confusion, presenting key research-based reasons for why Autistic young persons relate to the world in their unique ways; and what strategies can help their carers/educators to engage with and support them."


25 January 2022

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Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 27 - Growth Spurts And Autism: Tantrums And Meltdowns Tips For De-Escalating Behavior, Applauding Your Own Strengths As A Single Parent

"Issue 27 features:

- 2014 Outstanding Contributor Awards by Amy KD Tobik
- 6 Steps to a Fun, Family-Friendly Fitness Program by Eric Chessen, M.S.,Founder, Autism Fitness
- Charis Hills Camp Provides Summer Fun for Kid with Learning Differences by Debi Taylor
- Chasing The Lasso by Michael J. Cameron, Ph.D.,BCBA-A
- What is Autism? by Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D.,B.C.S.A.,DAPA
- Tantrums and Meltdowns - The Three Step Model to Behavior De-Escalation by David Sponder, Educational Psychologist;
- Teaching Reading to Verbal and Non-verbal Autistic Children by Caroline Lee
- Military Families Affected by ASD and Tricare Treatment Benefits by News release
- Behind The Police Badge - Interacting with Autism by Joseph Pangaro"

Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 34 - Autism Sleep, Bedtime and Hygiene Routines: Help Your Autistic Child Sleep Better

"Issue 34 features:

- Helping Your Child with Autism Sleep: An Overview of Sleep Hygiene and Behavioral Strategies by SujayKansagra, M.D.
- Dr. G Aspie Show - Practical Tips for Combating Sleep Problems with Asperger Kids by Frank Gaskill
- Practicing Good Hygiene and Self-Care for Life by Angelina M., MS, BCBA, MFTI
- 4 Tips for Finding the Right Bedtime Routine by Sarah Kupferschmidt, MA, BCBA
- Innovative Ways to Create a Peaceful and Calming Bedroom Space by Carolyn Feder, TBAE TAID
- The Calming Effects of Essential Oils by Courtney Barnum
- Shed the Stress: Seven Ways To 'Spring Clean' Your Life by Deanna Picon"


14 May 2015

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The Autistic Spectrum: Revised Edition

Authoritative, compassionate and commonsensical . . . an honest, sensitive and thorough introduction to understanding and living with autism . . . highly recommended.' - Psychological Medicine

'Packed with down to earth, practical ideas . . . readable, interesting . . . informative . . . if you buy only one title about autism this year it should be this one.' - Collette Dritte, Nursery World

Over 500,000 people of all ages in the UK have disorders in the autistic spectrum. About one-third also have varying degrees of learning difficulty. All have impairment of social interaction, communication and imagination - the world appears a bewildering and sometimes frightening place.


25 October 2012

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The Waiting Pool

Since moving to Hollywood, Natalie’s ability to find humor and hope in every situation has always been her saving grace. A resilience she’ll need even more when her 2-year-old son is diagnosed with autism. Suddenly finding herself knee deep but drowning in the new world of “waiting pools,” where a child’s disability services are based on eligibility (aka how much money one makes or how famous they are), Natalie needs to find a way to pay for her child’s early intervention. And fast.


26 March 2023

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Guide To Parenting Children With Autism

"Perhaps you have been tagged as a bad parent who doesn't know how to raise or discipline your kids.
Is your child or teen being bullied at school because their Autism makes it difficult for them to blend into society.
Are you a parent of a child with ADHD who has no idea what they're doing and has no concept of what you can do to help your child have a bright future?
With over 5 million autistic children in the United States alone, your story is not unique; millions of other parents endure the same difficulties.
Regular rule-making and home routines become very impossible to follow when raising a child with ADHD.
While coping with ADHD-related behaviours is difficult, one can only picture what their child is going through... making things more difficult for parents."


17 October 2022

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Positive Parenting for Children with Autism: Establish an Effective Connection


13 May 2022

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Let's Use Free Speech and Autism to Unlock Life's Mysteries

"Does Autism have you down in the pits? Don't settle for a disappointing or mediocre existence. Not only can we live well in spite of Autism, but we can discover the greatest treasures in life because of Autism.

This work takes a high functioning Autistic perspective and concisely walks you through the major keys to unlocking the life mysteries of sex, weight loss, politics, family life, wealth, spirituality, romantic love, and planting, seeking to ultimately empower you, Autistic or not."


10 November 2014

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Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 26 - A Season of Peace: 12 Joyful Moments from 2014, Making Family Memories with Crafts, Top 10 Musical Toys for Children with Autism

"Issue 26 features:

Airports and Travelling – A Dozen Things to Remember by Jessica Campbell

Anova, Empowering Children - Supporting Families - Strengthening Communities by Debi Taylor

Fighting for Autism by Amy KD Tobik

Making Memories - Family-Friendly Craft Ideas by Tracy Oxley and Debra Henken-Strigaro

5 Tips for Helping the Entire Family Relax During the Holidays by Dawn Potter

Giving the Gift of Music - Top 10 Therapeutically-Beneficial Musical Toys by John Mews, BMT, MA, MFTI..."

Intentional Parenting Of Children With Autism:: A Successful Parenting Guide With Strategies For Parenting A Child With Autism To Overcome Challenges.

"Put your anxieties in the garbage can, stir up your faith with expertise in parenting skills: and NEVER ask Google.

Let me lead you.

Parenting a kid with autism may be a special and rewarding experience, but it can also present a unique set of difficulties.
You could have to deal with these difficulties while simultaneously providing for your child as a proud, positive parent.
Start today by learning strengths-based techniques for assisting your autistic kid in developing life skills:
Being a special needs parent and feeling like you are doing everything you can to assist your child's growth and development may be difficult to manage."


8 March 2023

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Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): 325 Ideas, Insights, Tips and Strategies

"325 astute and practical ideas, insights, tips and strategies address the complex issues parents face during this crucial period of transition for their child with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The practical, bite-size suggestions focus on the vital importance of developing and nurturing an open and healthy relationship with your son or daughter. The easy-to-navigate format will suit busy parents wanting to locate advice to suit their particular needs. All the suggestions are designed to foster understanding and acceptance between family members and help the AS young person with common problem areas such as social vulnerability and peer relationships, self-esteem, anxiety and coping with change.

This will be an invaluable companion for parents, carers and family members of an adolescent or young adult with AS."


21 October 2013

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Parenting Bright Kids With Autism: Helping Twice-Exceptional Children With Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

"Parenting Bright Kids With Autism discusses the frustrations, the diagnoses, the challenges, and the joys as parents help their gifted children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) thrive in school and at home. This book:

Helps families navigate twice-exceptional life by translating best practice into helpful advice.
Guides parents who are trying to reach out, find information, and develop their child's talents.
Helps parents acknowledge and get help for, but not focus on, areas of challenge.
Is written by a professor of special education who is also a mother of a gifted child with high-functioning autism.
Is a revision of the popular Children With High-Functioning Autism..."


7 March 2022

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Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Parenting kids with Autism: The Practical Parent’s Guide On How To Handle Kids With Autism (Parenting Books on Children with Disabilities)

"Waiting for the baby's first cry, you might finally feel relieved that everything is well. You discover a great deal about this small child during the next months, and you read a ton about what to anticipate.

What transpires, however, if the expectations aren't met? when the first grin is not present? Or does nobody babble back to you?

You immediately assume that you are paranoid. Your baby is merely taking a bit longer to mature since every baby is unique. You then start searching for how to handle kids with autism, you are panicking, and disturbed.."


20 September 2022

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Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 21 - Transition, parents can make it happen.: Social Skills to avoid bullying, benefits of Drumming & Insurance funded services

"Issue 19 features:

+Five Main Benefits of Drumming for Children with Special Needs by John Mews
+Impaired Facial Recognition Means Always Playing Guess Who by Dawn Potter
+Tears of Joy by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty
+Precious Time: Maximizing the Progress of Children with Autism through Insurance-Funded Home-Based Services by Michael J. Cameron, PhD, BCBA-D
+Teaching Social Skills to a Child with Autism to Avoid Bullying by Sarah Steinberg
+Believe by Nick Malcuit..."

Toddler Discipline For Every Age+Positive Parenting For Autism Spectrum Disorder 3In1: Positive Discipline And Peaceful Parenting Strategies - Stop Yelling And Love More!


20 December 2021

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Parenting a Child with Autism: A contemporary manual for comprehending and raising children

"You've given a lot of thought to your child's future as a parent. much more so if they have been diagnosed with an ASD or autistic spectrum condition.
There are basic, commonplace things that may make a difference in addition to the medical treatment and therapies you may arrange for your child or relative.
Concentrate on the good.
Children with autism spectrum disorder often react effectively to positive reinforcement, just like everyone else. It follows that when you compliment them for the positive actions they exhibit, it will make both of you feel good."


8 February 2023

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