Books can play a big role in helping you and your child with Autism. You’ll find books can be a good way to connect with your children as they learn to share, make eye contact and it enhances their speech while reading one with their parents.
Here is a list of specially curated books related to Autism available on Kindle, Pdf version and paperback.
We would love to get recommendations from you on any useful books for children with Autism that are not in this list. You could write to us at
Merry Barua
1 January 2007
for Kindle/Paperback/ for eBook
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Autism Nature and Needs
1 May 2008
Awareness of autism has grown tremendously since it was first described by Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943. Despite many gains that have been made in more accurately understanding and describing the causes, course and treatment of the disorder, many myths and misconceptions about autism still prevail. In many countries of the world, most of the public?as well as many professionals?are still unaware of how it affects people, and how to best work with individuals with autism. These may include those in the medical, educational, and vocational fields. From among all the many professionals who come into contact with children, paediatricians are in the unique position to provide an early diagnosis of autism, since they are frequently the first point of professional contact for a parent. Despite their busy schedule, paediatricians are also in the best position to provide more than just a diagnosis of autism, and paediatricians in India have increasingly expressed interest in how to best direct parents about what to do next. In addition to some information on identifying features of autism, these pages carry answers to some of the questions paediatricians are commonly asked by parents, as well as some basic information on services and therapies available within India. We hope this information will prove useful in the ongoing effort to increase awareness of autism among the medical community in India.
Merry Barua, Tamara C. Daley
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CDC reports that 1 in 36 kids is diagnosed with autism spectrum
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Brushing teeth can be a difficult activity for numerous children,
Providing dental care to kids with autism is challenging as it
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