Books can play a big role in helping you and your child with Autism. You’ll find books can be a good way to connect with your children as they learn to share, make eye contact and it enhances their speech while reading one with their parents.

Here is a list of specially curated books related to Autism available on Kindle, Pdf version and paperback.

We would love to get recommendations from you on any useful books for children with Autism that are not in this list. You could write to us at

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Total No. of Records: 2

The New Social Story Book

Since the early 90s, Gray’s world-famous Social Stories have helped thousands of children with autism spectrum disorders. This 15th Anniversary Edition of her best-selling book offers ready-to-use stories that parents and educators have depended on for years, and new sections added are: How to most effectively use and apply the stories;


November 28, 2015

for Kindle/Paperback/ for eBook


The New Social Story Book™: Over 150 Social Stories That Teach Everyday Social Skills to Children and Adults with Autism and Their Peers

Since the early 90s, Carol Gray’s world-famous Social Stories have helped thousands of children with autism spectrum disorders. This 15th Anniversary Edition of her best-selling book offers over 180 ready-to-use stories that parents and educators have depended on for years, and new sections added are: How to most effectively use and apply the stories; How to improve the lives of younger children; and Social Stories for teens and adults with autism. Developed through years of experience, these strategically written stories explain social situations in ways children and adults with autism understand, while teaching social skills needed for them to be successful at home, school, work, and in the community.


28 November 2015

for Kindle/Paperback/ for eBook


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