Tauri Foundation was born out of the sufferings and fortitude of a couple, which felt with heart that their disabled child had every right to lead a meaningful life. Personal feelings of that couple transformed into a universal emotion when they realized – all children have equal rights to enjoy all endowments offered by society and take part in socio-economic development of the nation. Such a realization inspired them to create the Foundation for the well being of disabled children. Eventually, this resolute couple along with other parents sharing the same pain, social workers and philanthropists brought the entity into being in 2003 under the name of Tauri Foundation. Besides, two special schools for children with Autism & Differently Able and two Inclusive School operations, Tauri Foundation also has been conducting CBR program in the rural areas. This program has been providing home based therapy to rural physical disable children, assistive devices, home modification through constructing ramps & disability friendly toilets, livelihood support to the family of disable children, creating awareness to address disability issues etc.

Special Schools

Dhaka, Bangladesh

1/3, Block # G, Lalmatia, Dhaka-2017

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