“Communications” is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) application that designed specifically for Autistic people. The goal of this application is to assist Autistic people with speaking difficulty as well as improving their vocabulary skill. Remodeling our application after Picture Exchange Communication System (PECs), a universal methodology of teaching speech and communication to Autistic people, we carefully designed an application to build up child’s communication from foundation. First part of our application will focus on communication by using a single word or picture. The second part will teach children to construct as well as communicate with full sentences. This application is not only limit to people with Autism. People with down syndrome and language disability can also benefit from this application as well.

The goal of this application is to assist Autistic people with speaking difficulty as well as improving their vocabulary skill.

English, Chinese, Thai

Android, iPhone, iPad

3+ Years

FREE For Android | FREE For iPhone | FREE For iPad

Communication, Educational

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