Otsimo Special Education enables the individuals to engage their motor and cognitive skills through assistive matching, drawing, choosing, ordering and sound games. For individuals or children who struggle with speech and language, Otsimo includes free AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication). It is a common practice that is used in speech therapy and special education schools. AAC allows the individual to communicate their thoughts and emotions to their friends and family.Otsimo games are developed according to the Applied Behavior Analysis - ABA therapy which is the most widely known and trusted early intensive behavioral therapy technique for helping individuals who have learning disorders and attention deficit problems.

Otsimo Special Education enables the individuals to engage their motor and cognitive skills through assistive matching, drawing, choosing, ordering and sound games. For individuals or children who struggle with speech and language, Otsimo includes free AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication). It is a common practice that is used in speech therapy and special education schools. AAC allows the individual to communicate their thoughts and emotions to their friends and family.



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