A free AAC talker app supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone. LetMeTalk is donation financed. LetMeTalk enables you to line up images in a meaningful way to read this row of images as a sentence. To line up images is known as AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). The image database of LetMeTalk contains more than 9,000 easy to understand images from ARASAAC (http://arasaac.org). Additionally, you can add existing images from the device or take new photos with the build in camera. For LetMeTalk no internet connection or mobile contract is necessary, so you can use LetMeTalk in almost any situation, like hospitals, nursing home or schools.

A free AAC talker app supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone.


Android, iPhone, iPad

3+ Years

FREE For Android | FREE For iPhone | FREE For iPad

Communication, Behaviour, Social Skills

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