How do stem cells work in autism?

Stem cells repair, regenerate and replace the damaged cells in the brain of the individual with autism.

Stem Cell Treatment For Autism, Stem Cell Treatment In Autism, Autism Connect

Below are the mechanisms with which stem cells repair this damage:

1. They release growth factors which help to regulate the immune system of individuals with autism and have a healing and regenerative effect on damaged tissue.

Stem Cell Treatment For Autism, Stem Cell Treatment In Autism, Autism Connect

2. They increase the blood supply to the damaged tissue by forming new blood vessels by a process called angiogenesis thereby helping in their repair process.

Stem Cell Treatment For Autism, Stem Cell Treatment In Autism, Autism Connect

3. They can convert into any tissue type into which they are injected, thereby replacing non-functioning tissue.

Stem Cell Treatment For Autism, Stem Cell Treatment In Autism, Autism Connect

4. They can multiply to form new cells

What is special about stem cell, Stem Cell Treatment For Autism, Stem Cell Treatment In Autism, Autism Connect

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