What is Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a non-invasive alternative medicine therapy, which has been used extensively for many years in several medical conditions. Ozone therapy combines a mixture of 99.5% to 95% oxygen (O2) and 0.5% to 5% ozone (O3) in varying therapeutic concentrations. Its therapeutic benefits have been scientifically  proven with minimal side effects.

How does Ozone therapy work in Autism

Ozone therapy can be very effective for children with autism. In autism, there is immune dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, decreased availability of antioxidants, and also presence of infections. Ozone addresses these concerns with its long-term anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. It helps in stimulation of internal antioxidants and thus reduces oxidative damage at cellular levels. It can assist and improve issues with medical problems, behavioral issues, the GI tract, immune system, and endocrine (hormonal) systems, and dental decay. It helps with sleep, aggression, anxiety, and speech.

How is ozone therapy done

Ozone can be administered into the ear (in-ear insufflation), rectally (Rectal insufflation) or intravenously if the child is able to tolerate it. You should first speak to your doctor and if advised, ozone therapy should be taken under medical supervision.

What are the side effects of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy when administered correctly does not have any major side effects. 

However, when inhaled it can cause severe irritation to the eyes and respiratory passages and lungs further triggering asthma, choking, or shortness of breath.


Ozone Therapy Machine

Ozone Therapy Being administered into the ear to a Child



  1. Karima H. Minor ozonated autohemotherapy in a 2 year old boy with speech delay and cytomegalovirus infection: a case report. Ozone Therapy Global Journal. 2018 May 22;8(1):165-9.
  2. Siniscalco D, Luongo C (2015) Research Hypothesis in Autism: The Role of Therapeutical Ozone. Autism Open Access 5: e129.
  3. Bocci V. Oxygen-ozone therapy: a critical evaluation. Springer Science & Business Media; 2002 Apr 30.
  4. Di Paolo N, Bocci V, Gaggiotti E. Ozone therapy. The International journal of artificial organs. 2004 Mar;27(3):168-75.
  5. Bocci V. The Clinical Application of Ozonetherapy. OZONE. 2010 Sep 24:97–232.
  6. Tom Seymour - Medicalnewstoday articles 320759 May 10, 2020

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