
Autism Connect is truly honored to have received an award for "The Best Autism Parent And Professional Association" by The Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare of India, Dr. Bharati Pawar at the Health And Wealth 2022 Awards by Zee.
Moments like these motivate us to do even more to create a better world for individuals with Autism!!

The Best Autism Parent And Professional Association
The Best Autism Parent And Professional Association

Autism Connect won a Gold at the Best Content in a Non-Profit Blog/ Website in India Content Leadership Awards & Conference - 2019! Considering our platform is so content driven; content that most of YOU, our therapists, parents & medical professionals so painstakingly contribute to, this award is a big win for everyone that’s made Autism Connect a relevant and one-stop solution platform for parents of autistic children.

Autism Connect - India Content Leadership Awards & Conference - 2019
Autism Connect - India Content Leadership Awards & Conference - 2019

Autism Connect CEO being presented with the Innovators Award for the Best Use of Technology In A Social Cause - 2019, at the International Women Leaders Forum's 6th Flagship- The Business Leadership Conclave & Innovation Award!


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