Tag: Learning Skills

Autism Spectrum Disorder Education Learning Motivation Teaching

How to create an optimal learning environment for children with autism.

  Positive learning climate is where kids feel more comfortable participating in the classroom activities. This can includes being physically active as well as having good sense of answering good […]

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Autism Spectrum Disorder Education Learning Learning Skills Pivotal Response Treatment Play Therapy Speech Therapy Teaching

How Online PRT Sessions are Helping Kids With Autism in Unexpected Ways

“Enter into children’s play, and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet.” ~ Virginia Axline Virginia Axline, one of the pioneers of play therapy, understood […]

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Autism Spectrum Disorder Behavioural Education Learning Skills occupational therapy Signs And Symptoms

A Therapist’s Point of View – Buddies of Autism

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which affects an individual’s sensory processing, thus, manifesting in aberrations of speech, social skills & behavior. A child with autism may exhibit as hyperactivity, lack […]

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