Even today talking about sex education is no less than taboo in society. All children grows up, no conclusion can stop puberty stage. The step towards Sex education should be initiated by parents and school.
Children with autism develop sexually similarly as other teens do. However they could require additional help to build the social skills and understanding that go along with sexual development. They need more time to adjust to and understand changes in their lives. It’s normal for the start of puberty to range from 8-13 years in girls and 9-14 years in boys. So there’s no way of knowing exactly when your child will start puberty. Given below are the tips which can be helpful:
Be Clear:
- Establish privacy routines inside your home and keep them.
- Leave the room if possible as your child uses the toilet or turn around to indicate toileting is a private activity.
- Lay out language to communicate about private parts.
- Every adult who works with your child should be trained in how your child requests privacy.
- They should give complete information of private parts, including the body name.
- Good touch and bad touch should also be mentioned
As you teach body parts, also teach them that there are private parts of body.
Tell them which body part is covered under private and which body part is not private.
Try to answer all Tricky Questions:
If your child ask awkward or any tricky question try to be honest and patient. You might feel awkward examining sexuality training to your child. While the discomfort is understandable, your child needs this information and will find other ways to access it if not through you.
- Lay out open correspondence by addressing questions and offering data.
- Being brief, positive and genuine is smart.
- Find support. You don’t have to do this by itself.
- You can do this and there are tools out there to help you
Public/Private Discriminations :
Be clear about social and family rules about privacy and modesty
- Restrict nakedness in common parts of the house (living room).
- Dress and undress in bedroom or bathroom
- Close doors and shade windows for private activities
- Caregivers should model knocking on closed doors before going in.
Sexual safety and social issues connected with sexuality are significant for all parents to consider as the essential sexuality educators of their kids. In order to make healthier, safer and better-informed decisions related to sexuality, everyone has a right to positive and effective communication and education about this important topic.
great post
thank you