Education Learning Skills

Academics & Autism – Classroom Tips & Tricks

There are many schools around the globe that offer support and services for children and young adults with autism. These schools for children with autism involves various activities to empower them to gain educational and vocational skills to promote overall development.

Children with autism react well to the pleasant environment of the classroom and toward teachers who understand and respect their feelings. The sole goal of trained teachers is to create and implement positive programming along with strategic teaching tips for children with autism. They undergo rigorous training to deal with kids tormented with physical and neurological health issues.  

The faculty at the schools for children with autism has a strong commitment to support and educate their students. The schools follow some of the guidelines and teaching tips for children with autism in their classrooms.

  • Praise: 

Students having photographic memory at times forgets to bring a pencil regularly to class or fails to remember the date of submitting an assignment. For them, the teachers adopt strategies such as drawing a picture of a pencil on the book cover and daily reminding him/her about the assignments. Praises for remembering to clean the mess from the can also elevate the child’s confidence.

  • Be Gentle: 

Some children with autism have ‘abstract and conceptual’ thinking. Abstract concepts vary in terms of their applicability. Some of the abstract concepts the teachers want the students to learn include discipline (time), right and wrong, ability and disability, etc. Teachers must avoid talking harshly when saying, “Why did you do it?” instead she can say, “I did not like when the slammed book down before going for the break. Next time place it gently on the desk.” They must be concrete as possible in a soft way.

  • Easy Solutions: 

Even if the children with autism can read, they decipher visuals better. For them, visuals or pictures about classroom rules, are quickly understood, thus, saving the teacher from a lengthy explanation.

  • Use Of Easy Language: 

Teachers must avoid verbal overload. Use shorter sentences if the student is not able to understand what is said or identifying the importance of the information.

  • Solution For Repetitive Behavior:

For students using repetitive verbal sentences or questions, the teachers need to control the activity to turn into a continuous repetitive litany. Teachers can request them to write down the question or statement. This will help to calm them and also stop them from repetitive activity.  

  • Follow-ups:

Students with autism experience various communication difficulties. They do not rely on important notes and messages to their parents regarding assignments, school events, school rules, etc. Even sending a note to the parents by the teachers may not work as they forget to deliver or lose it before reaching home. Constants follow up is essential to help them remember the task. Phone calls to parents are recommended until the student’s skill is developed. 

Frequent communication between the teacher and parent is very essential. With the ever-growing need to educate children with autism, the schools for children with autism must have the teachers who can understand and respect them when working with them in the classroom.

For schools for autism in any country, state or city, do visit the Autism Connect directory:


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