Picture this. You’re in a bus, it’s one of those days, you’re late for work, you’re avoiding your boss’s constant calls, and as luck would have it, you’re sitting in front of a parent, whose child seems to be “out of control”. He’s saying the same three words, again, and again, and again. He’s flapping his hands incessantly, and every time his mother tries to calm him, down, he screams bloody murder! Your annoyed, impatient, frustrated mind instantly urges you to turn around and lecture the parent about the lack of their parenting skills. Right at that moment, STOP. Stop yourself, for that child may have Autism, and no, Autism is not a result of bad parenting.
Autism is said to be a serious neurodevelopmental condition, which significantly hampers a child’s ability to develop like other children of their age do. It affects the social, cognitive, behavioral and sensory function of the child, which may not be instantly evident by just looking at them. Autism is not a result of bad parenting, not even because the child is simply stubborn. Its cause has not yet been isolated, to any one particular factor, however, there is a lot of information that scientists and researchers have discovered about what may attribute to a child’s Autism.
Autism has been associated with environmental factors such as electromagnetic radiation, bad effects of vaccination, heavy metal toxicity, etc. as well as factors a little more close to home, such as, gastrointestinal diseases, genetic makeup, the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal condition of mothers, paternal age, etc. Studies in the brain have shown that while the structure of the brain, as seen in CT Scans and MRI may be normal, the brain function when studied through a Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography (PET-CT) Scans show changes in the mesial temporal lobe (innermost part of the brain responsible for learning, understanding, memory, social interaction and abstract thinking), frontal lobe (the front part of the brain responsible for emotions and aggression) and cerebellum (responsible for balance, coordination, muscle tone and speech). Hence the dysfunction of these areas can also be held responsible for problems seen in autism.
Learn more about What Causes of Autism are here.
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