Autism Spectrum Disorder Signs And Symptoms

5 Facts About Autism You Probably Didn’t Know

The basic notion that people often have about Autism, is that they’re withdrawn, absolute geniuses, who are “socially awkward”. Studies through the years have pinned Autism as a neurodevelopmental condition that affects a child’s behavioral, social & cognitive conduct. There are, yet, several things that are still not known about Autism. So here are 5 facts about Autism, that you probably didn’t know! 

1st FACT:

1% of the world population is on the Autism ‘Spectrum’. What’s 1%  you ask? Well, that’s approximately 70million individuals, or well, almost half the population of Russia! So, if your kid is autistic, you’re a part of a massive community that’s willing to help you & guide you.

2nd FACT:

Autism prevalence has steadily risen over the years. Since 2004, the CDC’s recordings of 1 in 166 children, has increased to 1 in 59 children in 2014. While people are studying the reason or the cause of this rapid increase, they haven’t yet found the actual cause of Autism.

3rd FACT:

44% of children identified with ASD have average or above-average intelligence. While Autistic children are not all savants, a good chunk of these individuals do possess the IQ of geniuses! History even indicates that Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Susan Boyle, Michelangelo & Nikola Tesla are, or were on the spectrum!

4th FACT: 

Symptoms of Autism do not limit themselves to just social interaction, curious behavior or poor eye contact. These symptoms of autism are based on how the brain processes information. Actually, autistic individuals often express that they process memories or events in a pictorial or video form. So when they recall things, they literally picture it as it is. Most autistic individuals have very strong, vivid memories. It may not seem as though they’re paying attention. On the contrary, they are extremely observant. Sometimes, this may end up affecting them in social situations, where too many things are happening all at once, and they go into a state of sensory overload.

5th FACT:

Autism is not curable and doesn’t really need to be. What it needs, is to be treated, to help the child become more independent. There is a dispute about whether autism even needs to be treated, and whether it should fall under the definition of High Functioning or Mild Autism. The truth is, that parents around the world, often struggle with helping their autistic children in finding their own. Autistic children may come across as extremely hyper, or aggressive, or even introverted or uninterested. In contrast, they may even come across as obsessed with certain things that may not seem of consequence to a neurotypical. This makes it imperative for the right treatment option to be given to the child, in order for them to be able to channel their potential.

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  1. As the guardian of the child, I think it is a responsibility of the head of state to help autism or autistic children. These children will not be burdened by the children if they provide a good environment for Autism.

    1. You are right autistic children are not able to live his life normally like other children, so they must be provided with a special environment where they can do activities and have social growth.

  2. All of the material that speaks about Autism takes it for granted that the child is able to speak and responds to external stimulii. My child is diagnosed with autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and multiple disabilities. Also, he is non verbal, highly irritable and does not easily respond to any kind of training. He is passionately attached to his Ipad and laptop and spends the entire day on these gadgets. He is uninterested in any kind of activity including games. His IQ rating is 12. He is now aged 18 years. How can he be managed or treated ?

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