Alina Magdalena Pilipionek
Home/Our Experts/Alina Magdalena Pilipionek
Alina Magdalena Pilipionek is an autism blogger mum who writes about her family’s daily challenges and their experiences with figuring out how to approach and solve the spectrum difficulties. She lives in Düsseldorf with her husband and two amazing boys (Achilles - 8 and Leonidas - 3). The older one is on the autism spectrum.
Her blog is called Autism CookBook, wherein, she puts in solutions that work for their family, that are crash-tested, in a recipes section COOKBOOK on her blog page. Their therapy since 2015 has been ABA/VB, and they always search for flexible teaching settings for which we had a lot of uncommon ideas to face up their goals. You can read about their successes and their failures in their blogs as well. If you find it helpful-pass it on! You can always use her experience fixed in her blog posts as extra tips to use with a favourable outcome.
Alina is extremely willing to help ANYONE who struggles with any difficulty regarding autism and other learning disabilities. She cares much about taking part in building a vigorous community of families 'on the autism spectrum', special education teachers, therapists and anyone who is interested in this topic.
Alina has also graduated from the West Pomeranian University of Technology with a Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Management, Economics and Investments. She’s gone back to the university this year for a Master Degree in Special Education-Individuals on Autism Spectrum/Learning Disabilities.
This enterprising autism mom is also following her passion of gaining knowledge in the fields of Graphic Design and Visual Communication and loves to use it daily for her work.